Gaudeamus igitur; Semper ubi uber, ibi tuber.

"Di mana ada kemaluan, di situ ada persoalan; oleh karenanya berbahagialah."

The Bunker

When you need warmth in the cold
But you don't find it, never fear
Just come in, dear
Cause you will find it here.

If it is comfort you are looking for
And everything means nothing but bored
This place will provide you
Every corner welcomes you

Just remember when you are trembling and shaking
because you're down in the blue
Don't hesitate knocking
All hands are open to have you

And if you're tired of rejection
You've been facing in life
This room will keep you alive
Socially accepted without objection

So, welcome to the bunker
The safest and warmest place ever
We are not even nearly perfect
But nothing here is a fake

"....some call it slums, some calls it nice. Welcome to Paradise!" - The Greenday

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