Gaudeamus igitur; Semper ubi uber, ibi tuber.

"Di mana ada kemaluan, di situ ada persoalan; oleh karenanya berbahagialah."

If I Can Have It Again

It’s been so long I lost the feeling
It’s been so long I closed my heart away
I don’t know if I can have it again
The joy, the love, the struggle and the pain

It’s been so long that I fought alone
I stand on my own
Without my angel on my side
To protect, to support, and to guide

If I can have it again
I will hold it tight
To heal me from the pain
To support me to fight

If I can have the feeling again
I will have it forever
I won’t let it lose it again
I must have it forever and ever

It’s been so long I suffered from cold
It’s been so long I stood out in the rain
It’s been so long I had nothing to hold
It’s been so long I felt the pain

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